Thursday, 15 April 2010

An electrocution or two, is trivial really...


Hope you've all dined on rivers of chocolate over the last few weeks. Happy Belated Easter - if you celebrated it.

A brief update as follows and we hope it finds you well - wherever you are and whatever you're doing.

We're currently in Berlin and have been back here since February - we came home right after our brief but busy time in the UK. It should be said that time spent off the road can go one of two ways. You are productive or you aren't. Luckily, we fell into the former category. And so it is, we've been hard at work rebuilding a rehearsal/demo studio that we initially had in 2009 but broke it down to take all our gear on tour.

The studio that we've just built is a beauty and excels from our effort from last year. At heart, we are a bunch of nerds that enjoy wiring things together, despite our lacking in proper knowledge of what exactly we're wiring together. No matter - an electrocution or two is trivial really. Moving on. We completed the studio at the beginning of March and we've been in there just about every day - working hard on a long list of songs/demos/ideas for album number two! I can't tell you how much of relief it is to begin the process of working on album TWO.

We have uploaded some photos of the building and subsequent creation process, so come and take a look around the new space...


The way it works is thus: we have an A list and a B list. Holy shit - complicated right?!

As you can probably deduce, the songs on the A list are definitely headed for our next record. The songs on the B list have required work with the intention of - via a democratic vote - moving them onto the A list if they are worthy or throwing them out. Obviously, some fall by the wayside and others make it. Always, it's the unexpected ones that make it first round the bend before the more obvious choices.

Apart from that, Berlin life is treating us well. Today the weather was a sparkling 18C and, for those of you who've just stumbled through a harsh Euro-winter, I'm sure you can appreciate the smile each and everyone of us was wearing today.

We're coming back out on the road in the summer so look out for dates soon.

Take care everyone.

Ben. Cristo. Damian. Dave.

p.s we have put together a video of the jouirney from our home in Berlin to the new studio, come and watch it now:

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